Please Purchase tickets for
young adult or adult separately
(add details using comas on buy your ticket page)
young adult or adult separately
(add details using comas on buy your ticket page)
Discounted price $130.00 when purchased before October 25, 2023
$150.00 when purchased before October 28, 2023
door price $200.00
Young Adult Price 21-30 years of age - with proper ID $75.00
BA Foundation non-profit TAX ID 93-2926074 501
tickets include open bar, dinner, entertainment and more... net proceeds will go towards all 5 organizations
Please email for tax information if needed
$150.00 when purchased before October 28, 2023
door price $200.00
Young Adult Price 21-30 years of age - with proper ID $75.00
BA Foundation non-profit TAX ID 93-2926074 501
tickets include open bar, dinner, entertainment and more... net proceeds will go towards all 5 organizations
Please email for tax information if needed